I must admit, that in spite of feeling like soggy steaming pile of death since Saturday, I was really looking forward to streaming the REME CoD A team's vs the Royal Signals. There is history with this Signals side so I expected a well fought battle. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a non-event as the game was forfeited as just a single game of hardpoint, one that finished 250-73 in favour of the REME.
I won't go into details regarding the forfeit but sufficed to say, it could have been avoided by a single person's choices and actions. GGs to the rest of the Signals team as they seem like a good bunch of lads that are suffering from a lack of players, I believe I'm correct in saying their B team folded earlier in the season also due to lack of players. We in the REME have been fortunate to tap into the talent pool within the Phase 2 establishment and are now reaping the benefits. Also, the work our social media team have been doing to get our message out to a Corps as whole has been immense and they should be commended for their efforts.
Besides this we have to look at the positives also, the "A-Team" remain undefeated with a 4-0 record at the top of the table and will technically retain their clean streak of not having dropped a map all season (12-0). It is a great testament to this REME team as the amount of time they invest is incredible when they could often spend it on more relaxing endeavours. They are the side to beat and I would not be surprised if they were to clean sweep the league this season and become like the Arsenal invincibles, lets just hope their future's does not follow that of the North London team. The Army can be a fickle mistress and deployments and other commitments can soon tear a team comp apart as the LoL team can attest to
Thanks to everyone that turned up to the stream and we go again tomorrow for the REME CoD B Team who I expect to be ruthless in their pursuit of the Division 2 title. For Call of Duty at least, REME appear to be head and shoulders above the rest in skill and commitment, for the time being at least. We will finish out the week with REME CS:GO at the end of the week, we will try to bring this to you on the channel also.
Stay Classy REME Esports!